Industries served

Access Control Systems

The technology is here for your access system: from parking houses to military zones – security and convenience in one package.


Access control systems have one key goal: offering security to the property, either it is a vehicle access control system or personal access via the visitor management software. However, as we experienced, adding security usually brings reduced speed and convenience. This is why our innovative access control solutions treat security and convenience at the same level.

Dreaming of perfect access control systems:

The Adaptive Recognition way of access control systems:

Products for access control systems

Join security and convenience in your access control system with these products:

Carmen® GO

Easy to use, Plug’n’Play license plate and make and model recognition from video streams


Smart, Plug’n’Play vehicle security access control camera


State-of-the-art, intelligent solution for passport reading and ID scanning

Authentication Software

Software add-on for precise VIZ reading and ID authentication for Adaptive Recognition ID readers


Want to order a product or have a question?

Call us on +(234) 809-547-6507 or simply book an appointment

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