Weigh In Motion (WIM) – solutions for ports and industrial facilities

Traffic and transportation Measurement technology

Without road and rail traffic, the global economy would grind to a halt. Measurement solutions from Kistler for transportation and traffic engineering such as our Weigh In Motion (WIM) systems keep vehicles moving safely on roads and railways across the globe; they protect costly infrastructure and help to reduce traffic-related injuries and deaths.

Measurement solutions enhancing rail safety

We offer rail WIM systems, brake force and acceleration measurement solutions as well as dynamic brake testing and speed testing solutions.

Full-service packages tailored to individual user needs are part of each offering.

Traffic safety

Automated commercial vehicle enforcement as a complete solution

Weight enforcement with Weigh In Motion (WIM)

Automated tire screening

Speed enforcement

Road and traffic monitoring

Traffic data collection

Bridge protection

Weigh In Motion for ports and industrial facilities

Weight based tolling

Rail technology

Rail Weigh In Motion

Rolling stock maintenance and testing


Want to order a product or have a question?

Call us on +(234) 809-547-6507 or simply book an appointment

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