Industries served

Public & Private Area Security

Whether a property has enough security usually turns out when it is already too late. Think about it in advance.


At Adaptive Recognition, we deal with security on multiple levels. What is happening outside, surrounding your property? Is your access control system free of all possible security gaps? Is walking in your city streets safe enough? Is your corporate building well protected? And if not… how can it be enhanced? Security and worrying should not go hand in hand. There is a way when you simply do not worry about security – because you know it is well managed.
Typical security problems:

Solutions for improving security

Products for enhancing security

Identify possible threats both outside and inside your property – and react with innovative technology:

Carmen® Box

A camera-independent device for adding ANPR and MMR to your CCTV camera


Smart, Plug’n’Play vehicle security access control camera


For security surveillance on the move.

Combo Scan

Extract data from IDs and filter out fake documents with this smart and compact ID scanner


Want to order a product or have a question?

Call us on +(234) 809-547-6507 or simply book an appointment

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